Dungeons of Hinterberg
The first thing I noticed about Dungeons of Hinterberg was the art style. I love its comic book vibes!
What kept me playing was the relationship building and exploration. I loved learning about locals and tourists alike. As well as seeing how slaying and magic had effected Hinterberg. Not everything is as fun and shiny as it might appear.
If it were up to me, I would have spent every day hanging out at a meditation spot, but alas, that’s not what a dungeon game is about. It’s in the name after all. I didn’t mind the dungeons, but I could just as easily not have them and enjoyed the game even more. The combat and puzzles were relatively straightforward and there are multiple difficulty levels. So, don’t let the dungeons be the reason you don’t play.
The story and exploration are actually really fun! You arrive in Hinterberg for the same reason as everyone else, magic! The town is full of magic and 25 dungeons have appeared, so it’s time to slay! Each day, you’ll get to chat to someone in the morning, then choose your slaying (or meditation) destination for the day. After a hard day of slaying, you’ll get to chat with locals and tourists, who may have differing ideas about the magic of Hinterberg. Build up your friendship enough, and some of them might want to spend time hanging out.
I really enjoyed the relationship building in Dungeons of Hinterberg, I just wish I didn’t feel so rushed about it. I could have spent forever getting to know everyone, but the game created this constant sense of urgency to dive back into the dungeons for the sake of Hinterberg.
Dungeons of Hinterberg is a fun time for those that love a little magic, a bit of slaying, minor puzzling and getting to know people.
More info on Dungeons of Hinterberg
I played on PC Game Pass.
Also available on Steam