Jenny LeClue – Detectivú
Jenny LeClue – Detectivu languished in my backlog for nearly two years before I decided to play it. It was a game that I regularly considered playing, but never actually did. Until now! And it was amazing! I’m so sad I let it sit there for so long because it is an excellent game. However, that does mean I got to enjoy it with voice acting!
Jenny is a young amateur detective, but so far her biggest case has been the case of the missing sunglasses! Idyllic Arthurton is full of charm, but nothing exciting ever happens there! Or so Jenny thinks. Fortunately, for Jenny, someone turns up dead! Less fortunate for the deceased, plus her Mum is also suspect number one!! Finally, it’s Jenny’s time to shine as she’ll do anything to prove her Mum’s innocence.
Explore the town and interrogate its inhabitants to get the truth. Jenny will stop at nothing until she has cracked the case. That includes questioning the people of Arthurton as well as a clue finding mini game where you search their bodies and clothes (but not in an intrusive way) to see if they might know more than they’re letting on. Put all the clues together to find your next lead.
Arthurton looks great and the game gives me big Oxenfree vibes. Mostly in how it looks, but also a little in gameplay. Everything is a little mysterious and suspicious and I couldn’t wait to find out what Arthurton was hiding.
There are many puzzles in Jenny LeClue, but they’re all relatively simple. Even for someone like me who isn’t a big puzzler. This may mean it could be too easy for people who are big on puzzles. It has a great story (and voice acting was added in 2020) though and is definitely worth playing for the story and explanation alone.
More info on Jenny LeClue – Detectivú:
I played on Steam
Also available on PlayStation, iOS (Apple Arcade) and Nintendo Switch

One Comment
Alex Rosendahl Larsen
Oh, I’ve had this in my backlog for ages too. I should really get around to it soon! 😀
Also pretty curious about the clue finding minigame after playing games like Tangle Tower where putting together clues is really entertaining.