• Botany Manor cover art

    Botany Manor

    At first glance, Botany Manor is a simple and beautiful walking sim about cataloguing flowers. However, delve a little deeper and you’ll find that Arabella Greene is actually quite badass! As it turns…

  • A screenshot from American Arcadia. A man drives across a rainbow road with a goddess in the background

    American Arcadia

    American Arcadia is amazing! Ever since I played the demo I knew American Arcadia was a game I had to play, and I wasn’t disappointed! Multiple gameplay styles (mostly side scroller and first…

  • Filbo on the hunt for Bugsnax

    Bugsnax review

    Everyone’s talkin’ ’bout Bugsnax. Seriously, it’s all anyone ever talks about on Snaktooth Island. They’re all a bit obsessed, and perhaps a tad addicted, with Bugsnax. So, what are Bugsnax, and why do…