May 2021 indie game releases – part 2
We’re halfway through May, and it’s time to check out some more indie game releases. I have a shorter list than usual for the end of the month, but that just means more time to play some excellent games. I’m looking forward to giving all these games a try over the coming weeks.
The Wild at Heart
Genre: Action-adventure, story-rich, puzzle
Platforms: PC (Steam & Humble), Xbox (inc. Gamepass)
Release date: 20th May
Twelve-year-old master inventor Wake has run away from home and gotten lost in the forest. He’s sad and scared, and then a tiny creature appears to show him the way. Wake follows the Spriteling further into the forest to discover a magical world surrounds him. Collect the spritelings to help you collect items, break stuff, fight enemies and more.
Ever since playing The Wild at Heart demo at a Steam Festival last year, I have been impatiently waiting for The Wild at Heart to come out. It might be my most anticipated game of the year! It’s just so gorgeous and cute, and I can’t wait to play.
Weaving Tides
Genre: Adventure, story-rich, exploration, puzzle
Platforms: PC (Steam) and Nintendo Switch
Release date: 26th May
Tass is a lone human in a world of moths and her foster father Kilim, a weaver dragon. A dark force has descended on their village, and Tass and Kilim set out on an adventure to save it. Together they will weave their way through puzzles and wrap up their enemies in an exciting spin on combat.
I used to be an avid cross-stitcher, so Weaving Tides instantly piqued my interest, and I backed it on Kickstarter. It was also my Kickstarter Spotlight for May last year because I was really excited to see it succeed. Now I’ve been able to see 12 months of updates, and I’m looking forward to jumping into the full game when it comes out.
Polyville Canyon
Genre: City builder, simulation
Platforms: PC (Steam)
Release date: 20th May
Polyville canyon is a builder game where nothing bad ever happens. No disasters, no war, just building and getting to know your people. As the owner of a keyboard and mouse, you’ve been invited to build the new city of Polyville Canyon, and in return, you’ll receive a share of the train ticket revenue for anyone that visits. Play at your own pace, and complete goals to earn XP to build more buildings and get more Neighbours in your city.
Polyville Canyon promises, “No disasters, no catastrophes, no complicated economy, no headaches!”. You can also roam your city in first-person mode and get up close and personal with the Neighbours (villagers/people) in your city. It sounds perfect to me! I love a builder where I can watch it grow and thrive, find out about my people and, most importantly, not have to deal with war or disaster striking and ruining all my work.
Mind Scanners
Genre: Simulation, RPG
Platforms: PC (Steam and Gog)
Release date: 20th May
Describe as a retro-futuristic psychiatry simulation; Mind Scanners gets you deep into the minds of the inhabitants of The Structure. The people of The Structure have essentially sold themselves over to technology, with little thought to their privacy. Your job as a Mind Scanner is to diagnose and treat your patients while also looking for members of resistance group Moonrise. Will you report them or assist them with their cause?
Mind Scanner has big Papers, Please vibes, but instead of overseeing immigration, you’re handling people’s minds. In Mind Scanners, it is also hinted that “they” have your daughter, and doing this job is the only way to get her back. Just like Papers, Please it sounds stressful but also intriguing, and I’m interested to see how it plays out.
There has been such a fantastic selection of May indie game releases! So far this month, I’ve been having a great time making wine in Hundred Days and building a new civilisation in Before We Leave (review to come!). Coming up, the 20th is a massive day for games, and I can’t wait to get stuck into The Wild at Heart (expect a review for that, too). What indie games have you been playing this month so far? What upcoming releases are you keen to try? Let me know in the comments and check out part one of May 2021 indie game releases if you want even more games.